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    Cheap Auto Insurance in Nashville, Tennessee • Benzinga - Benzinga

    When it comes to buying auto insurance in Nashville, you’ve got a lot of options. With so many choices comes lots of questions. Do you go with cheaper car insurance that only covers the state minimums for Tennessee just so you can be legal on the road, or do you add more comprehensive and collision coverage to take care of major costs? And if so, which company do you choose?

    We’ve researched the best companies for auto insurance in Nashville to help you decide which car insurance may be the best for your specific needs. Let’s take a closer look at what’s available and how to save the most money. 

    Auto Insurance Providers in Nashville
    Compare 2-3 companies to find the best quote

    Quick Look: Nashville Auto Insurance

    • Cheapest: Tennessee Farm Bureau – Get quotes
    • For Multiple Cars: State Farm – Get quotes
    • Premium Car Insurance in Nashville: Travelers – Get quotes
    • Best for Military and Military Families: USAA – Get quotes

    Nashville Car Insurance Overview

    The price you pay for auto insurance in Nashville depends on many factors. Some of them are within your control, like your driving record and credit score. Others are beyond your control, like age and gender, but you can take steps to reduce the amount you pay for car insurance without sacrificing the coverage and protection you need.

    Many drivers carefully consider the state minimums to make sure they have the right amount of coverage to be within the laws.

    • Bodily injury: $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident
    • Property damage liability: $15,000 per accident
    • Uninsured motorist bodily injury: $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident
    • Uninsured motorist property damage: $15,000 per accident 

    Nashville Insurance Minimum Explained 

    Although these state-mandated minimums may sound like plenty of coverage, it’s easy to be deceived. The high cost of hospitals and medical bills caused by accidents can be much higher than the state minimums cover, which is why it’s a good idea to go beyond these costs and get better coverage and protection. If you’re a new driver, driving a newer vehicle, or you want to take extra steps to protect it from damage not caused by a car accident, state minimums may not be enough coverage for you. 

    Nashville Driving Laws You Should Know

    Nashville and Tennessee have their own driving laws regarding a wide range of conditions such as seat belt use, penalties for driving under the influence and cell phone use. Whether you live in Nashville or plan to move there soon, it’s a good idea to become familiar with its driving laws. 

    Cell phone use: Tennessee banned using hand-held cell phones and texting while driving in July 2019, and drivers can be fined up to $200. A first-time offender pays a $50 fine. Hands-free devices and dashboard mounts are allowed. The bill excludes first responders, utility workers, and others using a phone for emergencies.

    Seat belt use: Seat belts in Tennessee are required for the driver and all passengers any time the vehicle is moving. This includes passengers in the back seat.  Children must be restrained by appropriate child safety seats. 

    Drinking and driving laws: Tennessee imposes mandatory jail time for first-time offenders. If it is your first DUI arrest, you will spend 48 hours in jail unless your BAC is .20 or higher, then the minimum is 7 days. Even for first-time offenders, a DUI can give you up to 11 months and 29 days in jail, with a $350–$1,500 fine while revoking your license for 1 year. 

    Insurance Rates Per Vehicle

    There are a variety of factors that go into deciding the price you pay for insurance. The type of car you drive, your age, gender, driving record and your credit score can affect how much you pay. Insurance companies are concerned with preventing risk as much as possible so they use historical data and trends to calculate which groups may be more at risk. 

    What Makes a Car Expensive to Insure?

    Typically, foreign cars are more expensive to insure than their American-made counterparts. Not only are foreign parts more expensive but their availability, as well as the expertise of local mechanics making repairs, affect the price accordingly. In addition, base models of vehicles are cheaper than their special edition counterparts. Special editions are denoted by letters after the model name, such as GT or SE.

    No matter what type of car you drive, you can save money on your insurance by installing certain safety features. When getting quotes, be sure to ask the insurance specialist about what specific vehicle safety features can help you save the most on your auto insurance in Nashville. 

    Insurance Rates by Credit Score

    Your credit score is just one of several factors that determines the rate you pay for auto insurance. Even if you don’t have perfect credit, you can still save money on your car insurance. Credit rate is a small but significant factor in understanding how much you’ll pay, so be sure to check out the table below for the best providers of cheap car insurance in Nashville based on your credit score. 

    Insurance for Drivers with a Clean Record

    Even if you don’t have perfect credit, you can still save money on your car insurance. If you’ve got a clean driving record, you can save even more money while you work to raise your credit score. In fact, the price you pay for state minimum insurance versus standard coverage and full coverage may be less than you might expect. See the table below for full details of top Nashville-area auto insurance companies to see how much you could save. 

    Insurance Agency State Minimum Insurance Standard Coverage Full Coverage
    Tennessee Farm Bureau $810 $1,370 $1,699
    GEICO $927 $1,254 $1,630
    State Farm $955 $1,370 $1,627
    Travelers $1,056 $1,233 $1,711
    USAA $750 $1,026 $1,340

    Insurance with Driving Infractions

    If you don’t have a perfect driving record, don’t fret. You may pay a little more for your insurance, but how much more you pay will depend on the type of driving infraction you’ve been charged with. For example, DUIs are serious business and can cost more than a simple speeding violation. 

    Below are sample rates from several top companies selling car insurance in Nashville: 

    Insurance Agency  At-Fault Accident  Speed Violation  DUI
    Tennessee Farm Bureau $2,156 $1,800 $3,009
    Travelers $2,591 $1,974 $3,125
    State Farm $1,995 $1,720 $3,599
    GEICO $2,005 $1,699 $2,800
    USAA $1,539 $1,441 $2,260

    Best Insurance Providers in Nashville

    When it comes to buying auto insurance in Nashville, there is no single insurance company that can be regarded as “the best” for everyone. Depending on your needs, and the factors noted above, you may pay less with one insurer than another. The rates that appear here are only to be used as a general guide. 

    To get a more accurate quote, it’s a good idea to go to these individual insurers and give them more details about you specifically and your vehicle, so that they can prepare a more precise quote. This process will help you understand how to lower your car insurance so that you can save as much money as possible. 

    Cheapest Car Insurance in Nashville: Tennessee Farm Bureau

    The Tennessee Farm Bureau provides the lowest-cost car insurance in Nashville. So if you’re looking to save money and still get decent coverage, its insurance is a clear winner and worth considering.  Of course, it’s not the only insurer in the area, and there may be other insurers which are better suited for other needs. 

    Car Insurance in Nashville For Multiple Cars: State Farm

    An established and reliable insurance company for households with multiple cars, State Farm is a reputable company providing not only car insurance but home and property insurance as well. It’s great for new drivers and is a choice for many families in Nashville because of its affordability and great coverage. 

    Best Premium Car Insurance in Nashville: Travelers

    If you have a premium or luxury vehicle and you need more than the standard insurance, it’s worth taking a look at Travelers. Travelers provides excellent coverage for the things that matter most to you, and their premium car insurance is a great option if you are concerned about the things that regular collision and comprehensive car insurance don’t typically cover. 

    Best for Military and Military Families: USAA

    USAA is well-known for their support of the military and their families. Even if you’re not an active military member or a veteran, if you have a spouse or family member such as a parent or grandparent who was a USAA member, you may be able to enjoy low-cost auto insurance that is backed by superior financial strength and great customer service. 

    Read Benzinga’s full USAA Auto insurance review

    Choosing the Right Car Insurance in Nashville

    Getting the best auto insurance in Nashville takes a little research and depends on your needs and factors like the number of cars you want to insure, your driving record, and so on. The best way to get an accurate quote is to take a closer look at the companies profiled here and get a quote. With some basic information, such as your age, the make and model of your car and a few other basic questions, you can get a more accurate quote.

    Be sure to get quotes from a wide range of insurance companies in the area and compare rates to see which gives you the best coverage at an affordable rate.

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